Prandhara ​ is the creator of Prandhara Prem Therapies. She believes we have the abilities to manifest all of our desires. She feels most comfortable in nature, and her life’s philosophy is anchored in the understanding that we are all connected.  Tantra embodies Prandhara’s vision and helps others to feel this connection.  Prandhara is an energy healer, meditation facilitator, organizer, tantric therapis, rebirther, spiritual woman, teacher + eternal student.

Prandhara’s mission is to travel the world teaching women to heal themselves and how to connect to their innate power.  She has been featured in countless publications around the world, including Corset Magazine, UOL,  and The Griot. Prandhara has been on multiple radio stations, and podcasts including WomenSpeak by Grace Lynis, the Cinnamon Traveler on WRFG Atlanta FM 89.3 and online at

When we heal ourselves, we begin to heal our communities. When we focus on our wellness, we begin to lead a more spiritual life.

If you’re interested in having Prandhara attend one of your events, workshops, keynote speaking engagements, panels, or interviewing her about her unique lifestyle, wellness, please note it is best to schedule with her months in advanced as she lives in Brazil and travels often.