• Sacred Sisters Soul Retreat March 24 - April 1, 2018
    The Sacred Sister Soul Retreat is an opportunity to explore the culture and history of Salvador, Brazil’s own little Africa. Over the course of 8 days, we will dive into our vital feminine life force and female sexuality through daily Kemetic and Kundalini Yoga, Active Tantric Meditations, and Rebirthing. In addition, we will learn essential tools for female health such as Ovarian Breathing, Kegel Exercises, and Natural Gynecology. Our exploration of Salvador, the blackest city in Brazil, will include visiting Afro- Brazilian religious centers, receiving spiritual cleanses, seeing the internationally-recognized Dance Troupe: Bale Folclorico, participating in Afro-Brazilian dance classes and relaxing on beautiful beaches.

Tantric Cacao Cuddle Night

June 3, 2021 7 – 10 PM

Mind Your Body Oasis

1750 Crystal City Drive

Arlington, VA 22202

Join us for a magical evening of opening the heart, connecting with yourself and others in a beautiful blend of tantra and shamanism.  We will drink Cacao, do Tantric Breathwork, Cuddle and Dance!

Known for opening the heart, cacao will allow you to connect with yourself, and others, in a deeper way than before. Any fear that is currently taking hold of you, will be replaced with love and joy.

Cacao has been used in ancient ceremonies by South Americans (the Maya) for thousands of years. It has an active ingredient in it called theobromine—which can be translated to, “Food of the Gods.”

So it makes sense that cacao was given its sacred status, and enjoyed in communal ceremonies by the Maya with their Gods.

A cacao ceremony is actually a type of shamanic healing, but it doesn’t have hallucinogenic or “out of body” effects, unlike some other shamanic experiences.

Cacao ceremony is rooted in helping to re-balance the energies within us, and restore good health.

After drinking the cacao we will participate with some tantric exercises to include eye gazing and breathwork.  We will then go into cuddling to increase the oxytocin levels and assist you in feeling happy, love and connected.  We will end with dancing!


  • $197 per person 
  • $300 for two people
  • $400 for three people. 

Payments can be made via Cashapp or via cart. Register now. 

*There will be no nudity.  All participants will remain fully clothed!

Y0n1 M4ssage Course

March 22 –  April 12, 2021

6:30 PM EST – Mondays

Come learn the art of Y0n1 M4ss4ge.  This is a type of T4ntr1c m4ssage for those with vulv4s! Y0n1 m4ss4ge therapy aims to help you feel more comfortable with your body and gain a better understanding of what feels good to you or your partner. 

Y0n1 is the Sanskrit word for v4g1na, and it means “a sacred space or portal.”
A y0n1 m4ss4ge approaches the v4g1na as a revered part of the body, worthy of respect and honor.

It can be done alone or with a partner, with or without taking things to the next level.

Y0n1 m4ssage allows you to explore your body in a slow, methodical, and sênsual way — without the all-too-common pressure to “perform” for a partner. The ultimate goal is to feel comfortable in your own skin and more in tune with your body.


This course is for you if:

  • You work with women or those that have a vû1va and would like to deepen the healing work
  • You’re partner has a vû1va and you would like to please her more
  • You want to learn how to release traumas, blockages, repression and stagnant energy in the vû1va area
  • You wish to help women or those with a vû1va have more intense 0rg4sms and learn how to ejâcu1ate or squ1rt
  • You have a vû1va and wish to teach your partner how to help you have more 0rg4sms, ej4cu1ate or squ1rt
  • You have a vû1va and wish to learn more about your anatomy
  • Release s3xu4l trauma
  • Release fear and guilt surrounded by s3x
  • Helps you to teach your partner how to relax and enjoy the ride
  • Helps you to learn how to relax and enjoy the ride

For some, the slow and purposeful approach may aid in reconnecting with the body and approaching sensû4l1ty from a place of positivity. T4ntr1c Sensitive m4ssage teaches you how to awaken the dormant areas within the body so that the entire body becomes 0rg4sm1c.  Our entire body is capable of reaching 0rg4sm. 

What you will learn:

  • T4ntr1c Sens1tive full b0dy m4ss4ge 
  • How to m4ss4ge the inner and outer l1ps
  • How to massage the cl1t0ris
  • G – sp0t m4ss4ge
  • V4g1n4l mapping

This is a 4 week virtual course and will be recorded.  You will receive the replays and powerpoint slides.  We will meet once a week on Mondays at 6:30 pm est.

Investment: $250 per person or $350 with certification.  Registration is now open.  Payment can be made via Cashapp or through Paypal or Credit card by simply checking add to cart. 

*Please note Paypal payments will have a 3  % service fee added on. 

L1ngam Massage Course

February 14 – March 7, 2021


Come learn the art of L1ngam Massage.  This is a type of Tantr1c massage to be done on one with a pen1s!  Learn how to wow your partner and drive him insane with techniques never felt.  Wanna take your hand job to the next level?  You want to be more intimate with your partner? Or you have a l1ngam and want to learn how to consciously move your energy up while becoming more orgasm1c and feeling more pleasure?  Learn breathing and other hand movements to intensify your pleasure.

L1ngam massage therapy aims to help you connect with your body and gain a better understanding of what feels good to you.  Learn how to last longer and have multiple 0rg4sms instead of cumm1ng then falling asleep.

If you will be giving this massage to your partner you will learn ways to build more intimacy and connection and have a more fulfilling  and diverse s3xual life. 

L1ngam is the Sanskrit word for pen1s, and it means pillar or wand of light.
A L1ngam massage approaches the pen1s as a revered part of the body, worthy of respect and honor.

It can be done alone or with a partner, with or without taking things to the next level.

L1ngam massage allows you to explore your body in a slow, methodical, and sensual way — without the all-too-common pressure to “perform” for a partner. The ultimate goal is to feel comfortable in your own skin and more in tune with your body.  You will learn how to work and channel your energy.


This course is for you if:

  • You work with men or those that have a pen1s and would like to deepen the healing work
  • You’re partner has a pen1s and you would like to please him more
  • You want to learn how to release traumas, blockages, repression and stagnant energy in the pen1s area
  • You wish to help men or those with a penis have more intense orgasms and learn how to separate ejaculat10n from 0rgasm 
  • Release s3xual trauma
  • Helps you to teach your partner how to relax and enjoy the ride
  • Helps you to learn how to relax and enjoy the ride

For some, the slow and purposeful approach may aid in reconnecting with the body and approaching sensuality from a place of positivity. Tantr1c Sensitive massage teaches you how to awaken the dormant areas within the body so that the entire body becomes 0rgasmic.  Our entire body is capable of reaching 0rgasm. 

What you will learn:

  • Tantr1c Sensitive full body massage 
  • How to massage the l1ngam
  • Breathwork

This is a 4 week virtual course and will be recorded.  You will receive the replays and powerpoint slides. 

Investment: $250 per person or $400 per couple.  Payment can be made via Cashapp or through Paypal or Credit card by simply checking add to cart. 

*Please note Paypal payments will have a 3  % service fee added on. 

Feelin Myself: Er0t1c Adventures

in S3lf-Pl3asûre

April 10 – May 1, 2021

You know those people who are exude so much CONFIDENCE that their presence lights up every room? They make you say “Damn, he’s FOINE!” or “She’s just so damn s3xy!”, but you can’t put your finger on why.

Wouldn’t you love to be excited and empowered by the pl3asures of every single moment of life?

Well, you too can have that confidence and shine!

This powerful force isn’t created by any job title or material item — it comes from a genuine connection to your body and an er0t1c fulfillment!

Yep, this shine comes from really FEELING YOURSELF in every way.

Yes, we mean looking into the mirror and loving what you see.

Accepting yourself with all of your might and yes, taking the time to touch yourself in all of the right ways!

The problem is that most of us were taught to feel shameful and embarrassed about seeking pl3asures and exploring radical self-love. Even if we do work on loving on ourselves, we never got an education on all of the ways that erotic self-touch can transform our lives —mind, body, and spirit.

No matter your gender, it’s time to stop limiting your own pl3asure!

It’s not fair that no one taught you how much explosive pl3asure that you can find in your own body. It’s not fair that no one taught you how radical self-love and self-pl3asure can make you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled in absolutely every aspect of your life.

We have been on this journey ourselves and for years we knew there was much MORE we could FEEL much more PL3ASURE to be found in our daily lives.

And now, we’re ready to give you a taste of what we’ve learned.

As s3xual1ty educators, we’ve gone through decades of study and synthesized some of our favorite self-pl3asure practices that will take you past your limits of bl1ss. We’ve developed step-by-step methods to bring you more pl3asure by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Here’s how it works:

1.) Sign up for our online course, Feeling Myself: Er0t1c Adventures in Self-Pl3asure

2.) Learn breath, movement, mindfulness, and self-pl3asure techniques to ignite more pl3asure in your life.

3.) Be part of the er0t1c revolution— embrace self-pl3asure not only as an act of self-care but as an act of resistance!

This course is for you if you are looking to:

  • Release cultural, religious, or familial traumas and shame around self-pl3asure and er0t1c fulfillment
  • Let go of limiting beliefs about your pl3asure
  • Push past your limitations to reach your cl1m4x
  • Get out of your same old masturbat10n routine
  • Learn more about what turns you on
  • Elevate your masturbat10n practice into a mindfulness meditation — an out of this world experience.
  • Explore new techniques and rituals
  • Improve your health, wealth, and well being with self-love and self-touch

You will learn:

  • Org4sm1c Practices and techniques to bring you into your own unique bliss
  • Pl3asure anatomy & pl3asure mapping
  • Meditations and visualizations to feel yourself into your best life
  • Er0t1c rituals of s3lf-m4ssage
  • How to truly understand your body’s desires
  • To navigate elevated states of consciousness
  • Why s3lf-pl3asure is GREAT for your health

Workshop Structure:

  • 4 live Saturday zoom calls 10am-12pm (EST) that are recorded for your convenience beginning April 10
  • Er0t1c rituals
  • Guided pl3asure practices
  • Er0t1c journaling sessions
  • Intimacy building exercises that you can share with partners/ lovers/ friends

The course is $249 and can be paid via Cashapp or Paypal.  Please note for Paypal add a 3% fee to cover the charges of Paypal. If registering with a friend or partner you both receive 15% off!

Love Connection:

Virtual Tantra Couples Workshop

February 14, 2021

2 – 5 PM EST

Are you ready for your most orgasmic Valentine’s ever?  Let’s have some fun this Valentine’s Day!  We know we need too.  This will be a virtual and sensual workshop for all types of couples.  Everyone welcome.    You want to be more intimate with your partner?   You will journey deeper into each sense and heighten your senses.  Learn breathing and tantric couple rituals to increase the intimacy and connection between the two of you.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You want to learn new ways of breathing with your partner
  • You want to do something new for Valentine’s Day
  • You want to have fun with your partner while getting closer
  • You want to deepen your connection
  • You are interested in learning more about Tantra
  • You want to learn the techniques I taught on Married At First Sight season 10, episode 10
  • Helps you to learn how to relax and enjoy the ride

Tantra teaches an approach in which you learn to enjoy each moment with no expectations and no end goals.  It is about being present, focused and conscious each moment.  You will leave with specific techniques that you can do at home alone.  

What you will learn/receive:

  • Trattak 
  • Yab Yum 
  • Meditation to relax and connect with your body
  • Microcosmic Orbital Breathing
  • Sensorial fun

This is a 3 hour virtual course.

Investment: $200 per couple.  Payment can be made via Cashapp or through Paypal or Credit card by simply checking add to cart. 

*Please note Paypal payments will have a 3  % service fee added on. 

Registration is now open.

See clip below of me on MAFS.

Tantra Basics for Beginners:

Sound, Movement & Breathwork!

Nov. 30, 2020 7 PM EST Online

Feeling stressed?

Have you been having anxiety or panic attacks?
Are you living in fear?
Are you paralyzed?
Ready to feel a sense of peace and calm?

When someone is preoccupied with a real or imagined threat, the resulting fearrage, or disappointment will be reflected in the body. What we are experiencing now is trauma through this quarantine, not being able to live a free life, hug family and friends, go to funerals of loved ones who have passed. 

Trauma has such a severe impact because of the way it affects, and ultimately, rewires the brain. When the brain goes into stress or is stuck in stress, it leads to physical changes and a complicated ripple of life-altering symptoms.

In the animal world, animals “shake off” the freeze response caused by a life threat. When animals suffer trauma, it has been documented that they will literally shake it off, which helps the animal discharge the energy of the traumatic event.

The term “shaking like a leaf” is commonly used to describe a reaction to a frightening situation. Shaking or trembling, which comes from the limbic brain (the part of the brain that holds emotions), sends a signal that the danger has passed and that the fight-or-flight system can turn off. They are literally finishing the nervous system response to release the traumatic experience from the body. Animals often die if they are unable to shake off the trauma, but in humans, it may evolve into mental or physical illness. Humans also shake off trauma, but for some, the shake off response isn’t available thus the trauma is held in the body. 

Let’s release the trauma, blockages and stress within the body through sound, movement and breath!

Imagine being able to maintain your balance and centeredness. 
See yourself present, focused and at peace.

This is what this 5 week sound, movement & breathwork helps you with.  Come learn Tantra fundamentals and be well on your way to being at peace, present and connected to yourself, thereby being more available for your relationship.

This 5 week course is a value of $347, but during this time of quarantine I am offering it for donation based.  Pay what you can to invest in yourself during this time.  Trust that all will be well!

Let’s finish 2020 with a good note and start 2021 fresh!

Course Dates: 11/30, 12/07, 12/14, 12/21 & 1/04

Suggested donations:

Love donation: $57

Prosperous: $77

Abundant: $107

Tantra Basics for Beginners:

 Sound Healing

Nov 2, 2020 7 PM EST Online

You’ve felt the power of breathwork? Now feel the power of breath and sound for ultimate healing!

Have you been feeling blocked?

Do you want to dig deeper into Tantra?

Are your emotions blocked?

Ready to feel a sense of peace and calm?

When someone is preoccupied with a real or imagined threat, the resulting fearrage, or disappointment will be reflected in the body. We have experienced trauma through this quarantine, not being able to live a free life, hug family and friends, go to funerals of loved ones who have passed, deaths, violence, and many injustices in the world. 

Trauma has such a severe impact because of the way it affects, and ultimately, rewires the brain. When the brain goes into stress or is stuck in stress, it leads to physical changes and a complicated ripple of life-altering symptoms.  It also affects our organs.

In Taoist healing arts and chinese medicine the organs are connected to emotions.  For example, Kidney is connected with fear and Liver with anger.  In this sound healing course we will use Tantra and Taoist techniques to teach effective techniques to balance and activate the chakras as well as heal the organs and balance your emotions.  

Let’s release the trauma, blockages and stress within the body, while at the same time balance your emotions and chakras through sound and breath!

Imagine being able to maintain your balance and centeredness. 
See yourself present, focused and at peace.

This is what this 4-week sound healing course helps you with.  Come deepen your Tantra fundamentals and be well on your way to being at peace, present and connected to yourself, thereby being more available for your relationship.

This 4-week course is a value of $297, but during this time of Covid-19, I am offering it for donation based.  Pay what you can to invest in yourself during this time.  Trust that all will be well!

Course Dates: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, & 11/23

Suggested donations:

Love donation: $47

Prosperous: $67

Abundant: $97

Tantra Basics for Beginners: Breathwork!

October 5, 2020 7 PM EST Online

  • Feeling stressed?
  • Have you been having anxiety or panic attacks?
  • Are you living in fear?
  • Ready to feel a sense of peace and calm?
  • Want to learn the fundamentals of tantra?
  • Ready to learn the beginning steps of channeling your energy for manifestation and healing?

Imagine being able to maintain your balance and centeredness. 
See yourself present, focused and at peace.

You are able to connect with your loved one completely and fully.

This is what breathwork helps you with.  Come learn Tantra fundamentals and be well on your way to being at peace, present and connected to yourself, thereby being more available for your relationship.

You will learn how breathwork can improve your relationships, sex life and bring you a sense of calm.

You will leave with breathing techniques you can do at home. 

This 4-week course is a value of $247, but during this time of quarantine, I am offering it for donation based.  Pay what you can to invest in yourself during this time.  Trust that all will be well!


  • Clarity of mind
  • Better mental control and focus
  • A better understanding of sex
  • Being more present and conscious
  • Better sex life
  • Relaxation
  • Better overall health
  • More intimacy and connection with your partner
  • More self-love
  • Increased self-patience

Suggested donations:

Love donation: $47

Prosperous: $67

Abundant: $97

Register for the course is required.

Curso do Pompoarismo Tântrico 

com Rituais Tântricas


Quero convidar você mulher independente de sua religião ou orientação sexual.  Todas as práticas tem como base restabelecimento da saúde e nível físico, mental e emocional.

Muitos dos exercícios são fáceis e agradáveis de serem executados. Alguns deles podem ser feitos em casa, enquanto a mulher realiza suas tarefas domésticas, na fila de espera de um banco, na sala de espera do seu médico ou dentista, no trânsito ou ainda praticar no pênis do seu parceiro. 

Benefícios do Pompoarismo:

-Alivia as cólicas menstruais;

-Regula o ciclo e o fluxo menstrual;

-Previne e trata infecções na vag1na;

-Evita e trata a incontinência urinária;

-Diminui os sintomas da menopausa;

-Melhora a autoestima;

-Ajuda na preparação para o parto e na recuperação pós-parto, para gestantes;

-Evita a flacidez vaginal;

-Proporciona o aumento da l1bido;

-Melhora o desempenho s3xual;

-Diminui a dor no momento da penetraçã0, que pode ser causada por alguma complicação na vag1na;

-Dá a possibilidade de orgasmos múltiplos para a mulher

Isto vai ser uma vivência profunda e transformadora que ajuda no funcionamento hormonal feminino.

Investimento: R$390

Quando: 11/07

Onde: Virtual

Inscrição: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsdumqrz4tGNe55OJZMATPBFvBjbMoS1dv

New Moon Immunity Retreat: For Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Immunity

April 22 -24, 2020

Feeling more anxious, stressed, worried and afraid?  I get it!
Feeling as if you lost control or are not in control anymore? Gurl, I sure get that!
This is a 3 Day Virtual Retreat to help you connect to the power of the New Moon to call in what you want now and receive tools to build up your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional immunity for optimal protection!
You will leave feeling more relaxed, at peace and with a knowing of what to do next.  You will receive concrete tools to help keep you balanced with feeling a sense of peace.
Prandhara Prem along with June Kaewsith, Tosh Patterson, and Diane Ghogomu will be your guides!
Investment: Suggested Minimum Donation of $57

Tantra Basics for Beginners: Breathwork!

March 30, 2020 7 PM EST Online

Feeling stressed?

Have you been having anxiety or panic attacks?
Are you living in fear?
Are you paralyzed?
Ready to feel a sense of peace and calm?

Imagine being able to maintain your balance and centeredness. 
See yourself present, focused and at peace.

You are able to connect with your loved one completely and fully.

This is what breathwork helps you with.  Come learn Tantra fundamentals and be well on your way to being at peace, present and connected to yourself, thereby being more available for your relationship.

This course is a value of $247, but during this time of quarantine I am offering it for donation based.  Pay what you can to invest in yourself during this time.  Trust that all will be well!

Suggested donations:

Love donation: $47

Prosperous: $67

Abundant: $97

Classes will be held via zoom.

Karma House Bali

Kundalini Meditation

December 18, 2019

7 PM

Are you ready to release blockages and traumas within the body to be free to live a life full of joy, pleasure and true freedom?

Feeling like you need more movement in your body?

Being fully immersed in the shaking and dancing of the first two stages of the Kundalini Meditation by Osho helps to “melt” the rock-like being, wherever the energy flow has been repressed and blocked. Then that energy can flow, dance and be transformed into bliss and joy.

The last two stages enable all this energy to flow vertically, to move upwards into silence. It is a highly effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of the day.

Let’s release tension, stress, anxiety, fears, doubt, depression and all that is holding you back and come alive again feeling lighter and happier to open to the love we all deserve!

Where: Karma House Bali
When: Dec. 18
Price: $200,000 Indonesian Rupiah

Jornada do Coração com Cacau e Renascimento

6 de setembro, 2019

19h30 as 21h30

Nós convidamos você a compartilhar em um círculo sagrado o espírito do cacau e Renascimento. É uma chance de liberar os bloqueios, toxinas, traumas e repressão no seu corpo. Vai ser uma jornada do amor. Abrindo você para sentir mais amor para dar e receber amor.

É uma reunião de coração aberto onde, com o apoio desta poderosa medicina, chegaremos a um estado de profunda meditação. Vamos criar um espaço para compartilhar intenções e olhar profundamente, transformar blocos emocionais e energias negativas em positivas.

Depois de ter tomado o cacau, você será guiado em uma meditação com instrumentos de sons de cura e uma visualização guiada para abrir sua coração.

Ao comer ou beber Cacau e se conectar com o corpo através da meditação, isso faz com que o campo eletromagnético do coração se expanda aproximadamente 20 metros ao redor do corpo, regenerando a saúde integral.

O cacau ajuda a liberar os neurotransmissores do amor; Serotonina, dopamina, ocitocina, endorfinas, teobromina e anandamina. O cacau pode ser útil para reduzir o estresse, melhorar a agilidade mental e o fluxo sanguíneo, aumentar a consciência e, com ele, liberar energia, mente, emoções, iniciar uma reconexão espiritual, corrigir o fluxo harmônico e direcionar para a meta desejada. especifica em você e a manifesta em sua realidade.

Logo depois da trabalho de abrindo coração com cacau, meditação e visualização vamos renascer com Renascimento (Rebirthing).

“Renascer é aprender a reconhecer seu poder infinito, e utilizá-lo com toda consciência, sabedoria e amor. A experiência do Rebirthing permite reconhecer sua criança divina, cuja alegria, vitalidade e poder são imensos!” __Leonard Orr

O Renascimento (Rebirthing) é um processo de cura através da respiração. Nele o que purifica seu corpo e sua alma é a energia vital, que é ativada. A energia libera os possíveis traumas do nascimento e, consequentemente, os medos patológicos que por vezes se carrega sem saber a origem, transformando a relação mente-corpo-espírito.

O que purifica seu corpo e sua alma durante o Rebirthing é a energia vital, o Prana, o C´hi ou Ki que é ativado e circula nele. A energia o libera do estigma do traumatismo do nascimento e, consequentemente, de seus medos patológicos. Ele age transformando seu relacionamento mente-corpo-espírito.

Renascer é aprender a reconhecer seu poder infinito e utilizá-lo com toda consciência, sabedoria e amor. A experiência do Rebirthing permite reconhecer sua criança divina, cuja alegria, vitalidade e poder são imensos!

Uma oportunidade de reaprender a respirar de forma saudável. Durante o processo de aprendizagem emoções são despertadas, padrões limitantes são evidenciados e transmutados, e repressões são liberadas através de uma faxina interna dada pela respiração, o que promove uma expansão de consciência.

Essa prática libera uma grande quantidade de toxinas, e estimula a autorregulação do corpo, equilibrando o sistema como um todo, levando a uma considerável melhora nos sistemas imunológico, endócrino, respiratório e circulatório, proporcionando mais vitalidade e disposição.

Investimento: R$60

Tantric Couples Workshop

Mind Your Body Oasis, Crystal City, VA

Aug 10, 2019 – 6 pm – 9 pm

Been together for soooooo long that you feel like siblings instead of a couple?

Need to rekindle that flame?

Feeling blocked emotionally or sexually?

Need to improve your intimacy and connection?

Feeling alone even though you have a partner?

Feeling sexually frustrated?

Join me in this couples workshop where you will learn new ways to communicate and explore each other.  You will learn and participate in Tantric Rituals as well as a meditation to release any blockages so that you can come together and feel love and bliss.

This will be a valuable space to explore the intricacies and delights of your relationship.  This will be a safe place to heal wounds, allowing couples to open to love, pleasure and learning how to achieve communication with compassion. Couples will have the opportunity to discover their real potential in sacred sexuality and the ecstasy of living in communion while increasing their intimacy and connection.

This workshop will be an experience based on Sacred Sexuality. You will learn the rituals of Maithuna, and Microcosmic breathing.  It provides a deep transformation by using Tantric Alchemy to channel our innate sexual energy to pleasure and ecstasy.

Investiment: $200

+5521 965.622.345 whatsapp

Tantric Expansion

August 10, 2019 – 10 am – 1 pm

Mind Your Body Oasis

Let’s release tension, stress, anxiety, fears, doubt, depression and all that is holding you back and come alive again feeling lighter and happier to open to the love we all deserve!

Tantric Expansion will balance the emotional, mental, spiritual, psychological and physical states.

We will begin with a discussion of what Tantra is as well as partake in rituals and Rebirthing.

Rebirthing is a safe and natural breathing method which connects us with our subconscious mind – the house of our deepest thoughts, beliefs, and desires. As well as being a form of therapy which can help with any issue, from depression to relationship difficulties, it is also a simple tool to get to know yourself better.

Most importantly, it is an ongoing transformational process which helps us master our mind and body, eventually enabling us to achieve a blissful and abundant state in our daily lives.

Through using the breath in a circular way, which means without pausing between the inhale and the exhale, an energy flow is created in the body. This energy flow gently “forces out” or helps release stuck negative emotions which are stored in the “cellular memory” of the body. As these emotions are integrated and the breathing and energy flow continues, the breather goes a level deeper and achieves profound states of bliss, clarity, and understanding about themselves or a specific issue they are dealing with. Ultimately, after a rebirth, a person feels calm, clear and liberated, often significantly changing the way they feel about themselves or a situation and experiencing a lasting personal transformation.

Rebirthing breathwork is greatly healing on all levels – physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional – and combined with affirmative thinking and other creative techniques, it is an excellent tool for self-development. Gentle and pleasurable but also dynamic and powerful, it teaches us to balance our lives and be in harmony with ourselves and our environment.

Investment: $100
Payments can be made at: https://www.paypal.me/prandharaprem

Registration link:

prandharaprem@gmail.com or
whatsapp: +5521965622345

Tantra: A Bridge between Spirituality and S3xuality

Casa Guió – Rio Vermelho, Salvador, Brazil

July 13, 2019 – 2 pm – 5 pm

This workshop serves to show Tantra as a unique and comprehensive path to evolution, with the power and capacity to transform you as a master of your own life.

Everyone can use the energy of tantra to evolve.

I will demystify Tantra by introducing tantric sexuality and how it is spiritual. You will see how Tantra can help you become more focused and present in your life and help you increase the connections and intimacy in your life. I will show techniques that anyone can do, whether alone or with other people.

Let’s go deeper into the Tantric Meditations so you can feel the energy and power that is within you. You will come out inspired, knowing that you have the power to create your destiny.

Prandhara is an international healer who uses different modalities of Tantra, Shamanism, and Energetic Medicine for better lives!

She will be in Salvador for the month of July.

Prandhara is an International, Holistic and Tantric Therapist and Coach, Instructor of Tantric Massage Individual Courses and Pompoarism courses, Rebirthing, Integrated Breathing Therapies (TIR) ​​and Delerium Facilitator – Multi-Orgastic Training for Couples accredited by the Comunna Metamorfose with Specialization in Sexual Dysfunctions.

Deva Nishok (Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy, Yoni Massage, Lingam Massage, G-Spot and P-Spot Massage, Active and Vibrational Meditations) are all men, women, couples and LGBT’s in all modalities of Massage and Therapy. It also caters to Private Deliverium for Couples. Prandhara also took a Tantra course with Somananda and is studying Sexological Bodywork to give the best possible services as a Holistic Therapist and Tantric International Coach.

Graduated in Psychology in the United States, with post-graduation in Transpersonal Therapy in Salvador, Brazil (Instituto Quatro Estações). Also Master of Reiki Usui, Master Ma’heo’o Reiki Shaman and Master Sekhem Seichem Reiki, besides having training in Women of Medicine (shamanic healing) by Academia Xamanizando, in São Paulo, is the administrator of Access Consciousness Bars.

It has the Deva Nishok Tantric Massage Method to expand and intensify the orgasmic sensation, tone and strengthen the genital muscles in order to provide greater support for the body’s bio-energy, raising levels of perception, pleasure and awareness, energizing the chakras, regulating the hormonal production, re-signification of orgastic potential, physical, mental and emotional rebalancing.


Esta oficina serve para mostrar o Tantra como um caminho único e abrangente para a evolução, com o poder e a capacidade de transformar você como mestre de sua própria vida.

Todxs nos podemos usar a energia da tantra para evoluir.

Pretendo desmistificar o Tantra, introduzindo a sexualidade tântrica e como ela é espiritual. Você verá como o Tantra pode ajudá-lo a se tornar mais focado e presente em sua vida e ajudá-lo a aumentar as conexões e a intimidade em sua vida. Vou mostrar técnicas que qualquer pessoa pode fazer, mesmo sozinha ou com outrxs pessoas.

Vamos nos aprofundar nas Meditações Tântricas para que você possa sentir a energia e o poder que está dentro de você. Você vai sair inspirado, sabendo que você tem o poder de criar o seu destino.

Prandhara é uma curandeira internacional que usa diferentes modalidades de Tantra, Xamanismo, e Medicina Energética para melhora vidas!

Ela vai estar em Salvador o mês do julho.

Prandhara é uma Terapeuta e Coach Internacional, Holística e Tântrica, Instrutora de Cursos Individuais de Massagem Tântrica e cursos de Pompoarismo, Renascedora formada em Renascimento (Rebirthing), Terapias Integradas da Respiração (TIR) e facilitadora de Delerium – Treinamento Multi-orgástico para Casais credenciada pela Comunna Metamorfose com Especialização em Disfunções Sexuais.

Atende homens, mulheres, casais e LGBT’s em todas as modalidades de Massagem e Terapêutica do Método Deva Nishok (Sensitive Massagem, Êxtase Total, Yoni Massagem, Lingam Massagem, G-Spot e P-Spot Massagem, Meditações Ativas e Vibracionais). Atende também com Delerium Privativa para Casais. Prandhara também fez curso de Tantra com Somananda e esta estudando Sexological Bodywork para dar os melhores serviços possíveis como Terapeuta Holística e Coach Internacional Tântrico.

Formada em Psicologia nos Estados Unidos, com pós-graduação em Terapia Transpessoal em Salvador, Brasil (Instituto Quatro Estações). Também Mestre em Reiki Usui, Mestre Ma’heo’o Reiki Xamanico e Mestre Sekhem Seichem Reiki, além de possuir formação em Mulheres de Medicina (cura xamânica) pela Academia Xamanizando, em São Paulo, é administradora de Barras Access Consciousness.

Dispõe do Método Deva Nishok de Massagem Tântrica para expandir e intensificar a sensação orgástica, tonificar e fortalecer os músculos genitais, a fim de proporcionar maior sustentação da bioenergia do corpo, elevação dos níveis de percepção, prazer e consciência, energização dos chakras, regulação da produção hormonal, ressignificação do potencial orgástico, reequilíbrio físico, mental e emocional.

Investimento: R$80
Se faça inscrição antes de 06 de julho pagar só R$65

Prandhara Prem: (21) 965.622.345

Your Story Medicine: How to Move from Trauma to Resiliency

October 2 – 18, 2018

Are you curious about the many paths to healing? Do you believe that your story can serve as someone else’s medicine? If you’d like to hear a story of how I’ve responded to the challenges I’ve experienced in life, I have a very special opportunity for you. I’m speaking in “Your Story Medicine: How to Move from Trauma to Resiliency”. This FREE online interview series is overflowing with incredible stories of how people like me have turned their past into purpose, and how a life of service does not mean having to sacrifice one’s health and well-being to get there. My friend Jumakae is a storytelling coach for changemakers who are ready to get stories out of their body and into the world so that their medicine can reach the masses. She’s featuring 26 amazing coaches, therapists, healers, doctors, and conscious entrepreneurs who are going share their own story of how they bounced back after setbacks, and how our businesses/organizations are a reflection of our own resilience. This series begins on October 2!  I will air October 18, 2018!

1-Day Womb Healing Retreat

Temple of Sekhmet

Lithonia, GA

Sunday, October 7, 2018 | 11:11 am until

This workshop is a way to reconnect with your feminine source and the deep, ecstatic wisdom she holds through Rituals, Pelvic Bowl Mediations, Stagnant Energy Removal, Sacral Chakra Meditation, Womb Trauma Release, Womb Sound Therapy, Ovarian Breathing, and Rebirthing.  

Women have the power to heal, we just have to harness the healing power of feminine energy.  Through rituals and meditations, this energy is harnessed and all this life force energy can then be circulated to improve the health of the body, skin, and organs, thereby increasing your lifespan, clearing your mind, and boosting your immune system. 

Women, we are powerful beyond belief!

Our bodies are the real temples in which Mother Goddess lives as life and every part of our bodies made by the Goddess holds hidden powers that can be brought out through rituals and meditation involving breathwork, movement, sound, relaxation and presence. Through these rituals and meditations, we are able to manifest all that we want, thereby rewriting destiny.

So what is Ovarian Breathing?

The ovaries, uterus, and breasts are the part of the female anatomy with more energy potential of the whole organism; this is where the essential life seed is found.

The ovarian breathing technique gathers different sequences that help us contact this energy and learn to use it towards our own healing and be able to share it with other women.

It is a process of awareness, consciousness, cleansing and energy purification.

Our first stage of breathing seeks contact with our inner voice to register where we find ourselves in the present time and space; once the contact is made with this energy, we enter a second facet, of distribution and alchemical healing, this process allows us to maintain the energy flow in our fluid and free body, and so not only prevent and treat diseases but also to live a fuller and more fertile life, and when we say fertile we refer to a broader sense of the word.

The most part of the technique is intended to guide woman towards becoming aware of her infinite strength, as the woman is the creative source of the universe, she is the great creator uterus, where everything that is planted flowers. And that life enlightenment energy comes from the ovum that is produced in the ovaries.

The ability to create and generate life comes from the fire that vibrates and lights in us from our sexual centers and grows and spreads through the other centers to raise awareness and the awakening of the inner self.

When a woman grants her power, or grants her creative energy (sexual), and allows penetration indiscriminately, not only by various men but by the environment, her  different bodies are filled by a dense energetic layer that consumes her vital energy and disconnects her from her personal power, which is by nature the power of creation and the force of love.

The purpose of this technique is to restore the contact with our personal power which immediately activates the healer and interior master, who are the ones we should truly count on to achieve this life´s transit aligned with our mission.

So what is Rebirthing?

Rebirthing is a simple yet powerful technique of conscious, connected (circular) breathing.  This connected breathing without pauses causes a buildup of prana or life force energy. This technique is capable of breaking the patterns of old behaviors, established and sustained by a low flux of vital energy, opening space for a new quality of life, with a higher level of consciousness, perception, and well-being.

Rebirthing supports those who are carrying accumulated emotional stress from birth, increasing the immune system and bringing integrative healing between the unconscious mind and conscience. Conditioned breathing patterns from traumatic life situations are broken, which releases the tension of your physical and mental structures.  A state of deep peace and relaxation is achieved fairly easily by most.

This breathing rhythm causes an energy flow throughout the body and this flow washes through any tension or blockages in the system. The subtle form of vibrational energy permeates every cell and clears out the negative charge in the cellular memory of the body – which has in store every experience a person has ever had since conception and in many cases even before.

Once the breather surrenders to bliss there is a shift in consciousness and they go to the next level where they may “see” something about their life. This is sometimes described as watching a movie about your life from a different perspective or simply feeling or knowing something new, becoming clear on an issue or touching the divine. Every person has a different experience and every rebirth is different, though sometimes a breather may have a recurring theme.

Deep Release Ovarian Breathing and Embryonic Rebirthing

Atlanta, GA

Monday, October 1, 2018 | 6pm – 10pm

This workshop is a way to reconnect with your feminine source and the deep, ecstatic wisdom she holds through Rituals, Pelvic Bowl Mediations, Ovarian Breathing, and Rebirthing.  

Women have the power to heal, we just have to harness the healing power of feminine energy.  Through rituals and meditations, this energy is harnessed and all this life force energy can then be circulated to improve the health of the body, skin, and organs, thereby increasing your lifespan, clearing your mind, and boosting your immune system. 

Women, we are powerful beyond belief!

Our bodies are the real temples in which Mother Goddess lives as life and every part of our bodies made by the Goddess holds hidden powers that can be brought out through rituals and meditation involving breathwork, movement, sound, relaxation and presence. Through these rituals and meditations, we are able to manifest all that we want, thereby rewriting destiny.

So what is Ovarian Breathing?

The ovaries, uterus, and breasts are the part of the female anatomy with more energy potential of the whole organism; this is where the essential life seed is found.

The ovarian breathing technique gathers different sequences that help us contact this energy and learn to use it towards our own healing and be able to share it with other women.

It is a process of awareness, consciousness, cleansing and energy purification.

Our first stage of breathing seeks contact with our inner voice to register where we find ourselves in the present time and space; once the contact is made with this energy, we enter a second facet, of distribution and alchemical healing, this process allows us to maintain the energy flow in our fluid and free body, and so not only prevent and treat diseases but also to live a fuller and more fertile life, and when we say fertile we refer to a broader sense of the word.

The most part of the technique is intended to guide woman towards becoming aware of her infinite strength, as the woman is the creative source of the universe, she is the great creator uterus, where everything that is planted flowers. And that life enlightenment energy comes from the ovum that is produced in the ovaries.

The ability to create and generate life comes from the fire that vibrates and lights in us from our sexual centers and grows and spreads through the other centers to raise awareness and the awakening of the inner self.

When a woman grants her power, or grants her creative energy (sexual), and allows penetration indiscriminately, not only by various men but by the environment, her  different bodies are filled by a dense energetic layer that consumes her vital energy and disconnects her from her personal power, which is by nature the power of creation and the force of love.

The purpose of this technique is to restore the contact with our personal power which immediately activates the healer and interior master, who are the ones we should truly count on to achieve this life´s transit aligned with our mission.

So what is Rebirthing?

Rebirthing is a simple yet powerful technique of conscious, connected (circular) breathing.  This connected breathing without pauses causes a buildup of prana or life force energy. This technique is capable of breaking the patterns of old behaviors, established and sustained by a low flux of vital energy, opening space for a new quality of life, with a higher level of consciousness, perception, and well-being.

Rebirthing supports those who are carrying accumulated emotional stress from birth, increasing the immune system and bringing integrative healing between the unconscious mind and conscience. Conditioned breathing patterns from traumatic life situations are broken, which releases the tension of your physical and mental structures.  A state of deep peace and relaxation is achieved fairly easily by most.

This breathing rhythm causes an energy flow throughout the body and this flow washes through any tension or blockages in the system. The subtle form of vibrational energy permeates every cell and clears out the negative charge in the cellular memory of the body – which has in store every experience a person has ever had since conception and in many cases even before.

Once the breather surrenders to bliss there is a shift in consciousness and they go to the next level where they may “see” something about their life. This is sometimes described as watching a movie about your life from a different perspective or simply feeling or knowing something new, becoming clear on an issue or touching the divine. Every person has a different experience and every rebirth is different, though sometimes a breather may have a recurring theme.

Investment: $99 per person

For more information: 770-861-9906 

Space is Limited.




SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2018, 10-6PM

Everywhere we turn we are inundated by promises of a better sex life, a way to “Wow him in bed”, ways to better orgasms, the solution to living a more fulfilled life and how to reach Nirvana in 10 steps.

We’re here to tell you that whether you are single, in a relationship, a lawyer or a singer, whether you can put your foot behind your head or you prefer to put your butt in a couch — as long as you are a living and breathing creature on this earth there is one thing that can improve absolutely every aspect of your life — your presence.

In this day-long workshop, we will explore the power and pleasure that comes from consciously choosing where to place our attention.

How can we be more fully present for our pleasure when we receive touch?
How can we use the power of our presence to find the pleasure in giving?

Our body has millions of nerve endings and though we tend to think that our genital area is the most sensitive part — the rest of our body, especially our hands, have an immense amount of receptors that allow us to perceive, to play, and to give and receive pleasure.

As we deepen our practice of presence, we will work with one transformational technique as our entry into the worlds of giving and receiving — The Deva Nishok Method of Sensitive Tantric Massage. Over the course of the day, you will have the chance to learn the Sensitive Tantric Massage Technique as well as give and receive one full massage.

The Deva Nishok (Brazil) method of tantric massage begins with the Sensitive Massage. In this first phase, you will find that your whole body is orgasmic and capable of generating intense waves of pleasure. The Sensitive Massage awakens the bioelectric potential and redefines the pathways of the orgasmic flow that are mobilized through the energy meridians in the body.

The technique provides a possibility of reinventing your prior sexual conditioning, establishing primary roots to pleasure through focused presence, rather than the need to rely on sexual fantasies or external stimulation.

Some Benefits of The Sensitive Massage:

  • Awaken the awareness of Bioelectricity
  • Increase the levels of endorphin, serotonin, and oxytocin
  • Enhances the waves of pleasure
  • Pathway to dry/multiple orgasms
  • Dissolves anxiety and tension that hinders pleasure
  • Enhances perception and sensitivity
  • Prepares muscle groups for pleasure and orgasm

This workshop is open to all men and women.

Early bird registration: // August 31: $160

After August 31: $200

Discount for Woman Heal Thyself and Tantric Massage course: $320 for both



SEPTEMBER 29, 2018

Have you ever gotten lost in a song? Has a particular song ever brought you to tears, to smile, to dance, to remember? Music has a powerful way of healing, captivating, and bringing us to remember the joy and ecstasy that we have inside of ourselves.   Live music and its particular vibrations touch each of our energy centers, opening the door to new worlds and moods.

In this day-long workshop, we will release traumas and blockages held in the body through spontaneous movement, creating space for love and light to enter. Through tantric practice, orgasmic yoga, rebirthing, and movement you will rediscover the cure in your touch, the truth of your smile, and the love that you embody!

Saras Tantr(A)rt is an immersive group experience where you learn to reconnect with the sweet nectar of your life force. Collectively, we break down the day-to-day barriers that prevent you from feeling confidence, trust, and the ability to truly connect with other beings in a deeply intimate way. By rediscovering your ancestral breath, sound, and movement, you awaken to your most powerful self. 

Channel your most natural, sacred and sexual energy into your personal (r)evolution!

Saras is an intensive Tantr(A)rtistic experience where you are guided through meditations to heighten your senses, liberate your fears, and balance your energy centers with live music. The music and movement are spontaneous creations of the participants, where you will liberate yourself from old patterns, and dare to elevate, celebrate, and co-create in harmony.  It is here that we remember that we are all artists in this creative process of life.

Tantric Massage and

the Art of Giving and Receiving

Sunday, September, 23, 2018 | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Atlanta, GA 90331

Dedicate a Day to Joy, Ecstasy and Sensuality!

Tantric Massage and the Art of Giving and Receiving is a workshop that combines together sensuality and spirituality into one. During this workshop, we will deepen our practice of presence and we will use the transformational technique, Deva Nishok method of sensitive tantric massage, as our entry into the worlds of giving and receiving. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn the Deva Nishok Method which includes giving and receiving a massage. Through this experience, you will learn how to maximize your confidence and develop the art of touch.

The Deva Nishok (Brazil) Method of Tantric Massage begins with the Sensitive Massage. In this first phase, you will find that your whole body is orgasmic and capable of generating intense waves of pleasure. The sensitive Massage awakens the bioelectric potential and redefines the pathways of the orgasmic flow that are mobilized through the energy meridians in the body. The technique provides a possibility of reinventing your prior sexual conditioning, establishing primary roots to pleasure through focused presence, rather than the need to rely on sexual fantasies or external stimulation.

Some Benefits of the Sensitive Massage:

  •       Awaken the awareness of Bioelectricity
  •       Increase the levels of endorphin, serotonin, and oxytocin
  •       Enhances the waves of pleasure
  •       Pathway to dry/multiple orgasms
  •       Dissolves anxiety and tension that hinders pleasure
  •       Enhances perception and sensitivity
  •       Prepares muscle groups for pleasure and orgasm

This workshop is open to all men and women.

Early bird registration: // August 31: $160

After August 31: $200

Discount for Woman Heal Thyself and Tantric Massage course: $320 for both


Saturday, September 22, 2018 | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Atlanta, GA 90331

Sacred Solutions & Yoni yoga pelvic floor strength

This sacred workshop will give a deeper understanding of how we can channel and unblock our sexual energy to heal yourselves, establish an intimate connection through ovarian breathing and through exploring and through exercising our yoni.

Yoni, Sanskrit term for the sacred womb, is daily maintenance system that addresses the spiritual needs of women who are dedicated to their internal work and want to embody their full capacity for bliss and ecstasy as a path for self-realization.

What are some benefits of Yoni yoga?

  •       Developing more self-love and heightened eroticism
  •       Tapping into your powerful and sacred femininity
  •       Transforming your relationship with your sexuality, especially if you’ve experienced sexual trauma
  •       Strengthening your pelvic floor after pregnancy or if you are experiencing urinary incontinence
  •       Increased orgasmic potential, including multiple orgasms and female ejaculation
  •       More sensation and dexterity in your yoni
  •       Increased sexual satisfaction

What is Ovarian Breathing?

Ovarian breathing is a combination of Tantra, Taoism and Shamanism and as you practice this technique daily you will feel the energy and power within you to cultivate strength within.

Self Care. Self Love. Be Free!

If you are exhausted, feeling overwhelmed, having difficulty with relationships or having difficulty with generating sexual energy, then you are invited to the Woman Heal Thyself & Yoni Yoga workshop. Now is the time to reconnect with your spirit and explore how becoming a womb centered woman increases your creative power, vitality and sexual energy.

This workshop is for women of color only.

The workshop will be held at a private location. The address will be given upon registration.

Registration fee: $180

Early bird special: $150 if paid by August 25th

Discount for Woman Heal Thyself and Tantric Massage course: $320 for both


Sunday, September 16, 2018 | 11 a.m. –  3 p.m.

Crenshaw Yoga and Dance Studio

5426 Crenshaw Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90043

Sacred Solutions & Yoni yoga pelvic floor strength

This sacred workshop will give a deeper understanding of how we can channel and unblock our sexual energy to heal yourselves, establish an intimate connection through ovarian breathing and through exploring and through exercising our yoni.

Yoni, Sanskrit term for the sacred womb, is a daily maintenance system that addresses the spiritual needs of women who are dedicated to their internal work and want to embody their full capacity for bliss and ecstasy as a path for self-realization.

What are some benefits of Yoni yoga?

  •       Developing more self-love and heightened eroticism
  •       Tapping into your powerful and sacred femininity
  •       Transforming your relationship with your sexuality, especially if you’ve experienced sexual trauma
  •       Strengthening your pelvic floor after pregnancy or if you are experiencing urinary incontinence
  •       Increased orgasmic potential, including multiple orgasms and female ejaculation
  •       More sensation and dexterity in your yoni
  •       Increased sexual satisfaction

What is Ovarian Breathing?

Ovarian breathing is a combination of Tantra, Taoism and Shamanism and as you practice this technique daily you will feel the energy and power within you to cultivate strength within.

Self Care. Self Love. Be Free!

If you are exhausted, feeling overwhelmed, having difficulty with relationships or having difficulty with generating sexual energy, then you are invited to the Woman Heal Thyself & Yoni Yoga workshop. Now is the time to reconnect with your spirit and explore how becoming a womb centered woman increases your creative power, vitality and sexual energy.

This workshop is for women of color only.

Registration fee: $90


Saturday, September 15, 2018 | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Crenshaw Yoga and Dance Studio

5426 Crenshaw Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90043

The Alchemy of Love is an experiential workshop that teaches you how to release the traumas and blockages in your body through spontaneous movement and create space for love and light to enter. Through experiential tantric practice, rediscover the cure in your touch, the truth of your smile and the love that you embody. The purpose of this workshop is to help you increase your understanding of the tantric philosophy, enhance your love and intimacy in relationships and sexual life, balance your energy centers, and to increase your orgasmic potential.

Amrita is an immersive group experience where you’ll learn to reconnect with the sweet nectar of our life force. Collectively, we break down the daily barriers that prevent us from feeling confidence, trust and the ability to truly connect with other beings in a deeply intimate way. By reconnecting with our ancestral breath, sound and movement, we will awaken our most powerful self. We will also channel our most natural, sacred and sexual energy into our personal (r)evolution.

Many of us are clear that we are looking for something more out of life. But, this feeling just remains an elusive itch in the back of our soul. Begin to live out the full spectrum of your sensations and recreate yourself in acceptance and in freedom in this powerful workshop.

This workshop is open to all men and women.

Investment: $145


Featuring electric foods and words by Chef Ahki

With special guest healer Prandhara Prem

SEPT. 7 – SEPT. 10, 2018



Are you a career driven woman who is exhausted, overwhelmed and overworked with little time for self? I know how you feel because I’ve been that woman, too. Now is the time to put YOU first. During our retreat, we’ll nourish your digestive system with detoxing juices and wholesome vegan foods prepared by the Chef Ahki.

Her foods are full of life and will revive your body, mind and soul. Together with Prandhara Prem and myself, we’ll guide you in self-paced meditations, gentle yoga, life coaching and positive words of wisdom that will plant the seeds you need to manifest your greatness from the inside out.

Do you crave alone time without distractions? let’s get to work! During our retreat, we will gift ourselves with a weekend free from technology and talking. Our silent meditations and journaling time will reset your mind so that you’re able to clearly hear the voice of your wisdom. You’ll begin to utilize inner communication by tapping into your sacred space of answers.

Isn’t it time to start embracing your inner self? We hear you! Through a combination of limited mouth movement, allowing the vocal cord to rest, you’ll become reacquainted with journaling your thoughts and visions to design your purposeful life path.

Once you’ve relaxed into the surrounding sounds of silence and nature, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to connect with your soul. Come and emerge into the comforting vibration of harmonious self-love.


Thursday, August, 30 2018 | 6 p.m -8 p.m.

Moya Body Care

1001 W. Carson Street

Torrance, CA 90502

Sacred Solutions to Help You put You First.

The Woman Heal Thyself workshop will offer you effective approaches on how you can channel and unblock your sexual energy to heal yourself, establish an intimate connection through ovarian breathing.  Ovarian breathing is a combination of Tantra, Taoism and Shamanism and as you practice this technique daily you will feel the energy and power within you to cultivate strength within. Explore how becoming a womb centered woman increases your creative power, vitality and sexual magnetism.

If your exhausted, feeling overwhelmed, having difficulty with relationships or having difficulty with generating sexual energy, then you are invited to the Woman Heal Thyself workshop. Now is the time to reconnect with your spirit and to put you first.

This workshop is for women only.

Registration fee: $50

Tantr1c Massage Course May 19-20, 2018

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Learn the exclusive Deva Nishok Method of Tantr1c Massage. It is an intensive pratice done in two days for couples or singles who wish to experience and learn Tantr1c Massage.

The participants experience a great deal of their orgasmic potentials, on which they are guided and taught to guide or experience the ascension of Kundalini, leading to a state of superconsciousness and transcendence.

Course Dynamics
The course takes place Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., upon which you will first learn the theory of the Deva Nishok Method, with ample time to practice in pairs.  In addition, their will be tantric and vibrational experience unblock the Chakras and potentialize the s3xual energy.

We will make sure that the experience is harmonious for all,  through providing an environment of respect.

It is important to note that the experience in this course goes beyond  content, theoretical and practical information. You will enter in contact with a new reference of human s3xual1ty, in a natural and spontaneous way, without judgment.

Tantra Workshop for Couples 5/26/18 at 6pm

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This is an introductory workshop to Delerium, which includes active meditations and tantric experiences to increase the intimacy and connection within the couple. There is no nudity or massage in these experiences. The objectives are:

– Bring greater body awareness
– Understand the Kundalini Energy (Vital Energy)
– Awaken sensory regions
– Connect voice, expression, communication and conscious breathing to the sensations that are experienced
– Recognize various pleasure spots, through the use of your senses
– To move and mobilize the energy (Sahaja) in an intentional and conscious way
– Increase intimacy, surrender and trust within the relationship.

Art of Pompoir Course 5/27/18 at 10am

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Pompoir is the ability to control the contraction and relaxation of the vaginal muscles. By learning this technique, women can control the three vaginal rings separately, being able to increase pleaure during the sexual act, only with the movement of her muscles.

In addition, increased muscle tone in the genital region helps in problems such as urinary and fecal incontinence, uterine prolapse, prepares the birth canal and contributes to postpartum recovery, combats vaginal dryness, increases libido and intensifies orgasms.

Health Benefits:

-Strengthening of the vagina muscles.
-Prevents bladder prolapse.
-Prevents and helps in the treatment of urinary incontinence.
-Improves lubrication during menopause.
-Decrease in menstrual cramps.
-Decreased constipation.
-It facilitates normal labor and helps in recovery.

Benefits for healthier sexuality:
-Increased libido.
-It increases the production of pheromones.
-Helps in the treatment of vaginismus.
-The trained vaginal muscles will be able to massage the partner’s penis.

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